Slice up a perfect gluten-free pizza with Katz pizza crust

Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (7-inch)
Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (7-inch)

Product: Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (7-inch) – $5.99

I don’t know if it can possibly get better than Katz Gluten-Free.  I was skeptical, but so far, everything…and I mean everything that I have had from Katz has blown my gluten-free mind.  No joke.  When you talk about gluten-free food, point your comments toward Katz because perfection is what they offer.

I don’t know the reason for my skepticism.  After all, gluten-free foods have come a long way.  Part of it may have been the fact that in order to get these products, I have to order them online.  There is something so daunting about trusting your food to an online order, especially if unfamiliar with the products.

My first gamble on Katz products was on their gluten-free powdered sugar donuts, which, as I previously reviewed, I loved.  Next came the gluten-free cinnamon donuts, which I more than loved.  And when I had an online coupon come through, I went ahead and decided to try out the pizza crusts and ordered some of the gluten-free cookies as well.  Why not go for broke here?  The only way to branch out away from the donuts is to try other things.

I should have known to trust Katz Gluten-Free when it comes to their products.  After all, the company was started by Mrs. Katz back in 2006, who has two children who are gluten intolerant.  With that, set out with a mission to create good, delicious food that reach taste, texture and flavor perfection.  In addition, the facility that these products are made in are nut-free and dairy-free, so it’s allergy friendly too.

What Mrs. Katz did, first in her kitchen before expanding and starting this amazing company, was achieve food perfection.  So often gluten-free products lack some key quality, be it in texture, taste, or flavor.  Since the main focus of Katz’s products were these three components, it’s no wonder that perfection has been achieved every time.

Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (7-inch)
Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts (7-inch)

The other night, I was digging in my freezer and found the little 7-inch pizza shells I ordered from Katz.  I had some pizza sauce in the fridge, plus vegan cheese and mushrooms for toppings, so I figured why not make it a pizza night.  The 7-inch pizza crusts are the perfect individual pizza, and each crust only has 180 calories (for the entire thing!).  If you top it right, this low-calorie treat can stay that way.  Four crusts come in the pack so between my roommate and I, that meant 2 delicious pizza nights.

I did pizza two ways for this reason, because not only would it test the integrity of the crusts, but the flavor profile would change with how it was topped off.  So, one pizza had a sauce on it, the other was a white pizza.  The first night was a simple pizza with red sauce, mushrooms, caramelized shallots, and vegan mozzarella shreds.  The package, unfortunately, didn’t say at what temperature to bake the pizzas at, so I threw them in for 10 minutes at 425°F.  This temperature worked its pizza baking magic.

Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts topped with sauce, mushrooms, and vegan mozzarella shreds
Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crust topped with sauce, mushrooms, and vegan mozzarella shreds

From the oven emerged two perfectly done pizzas.  The tortilla-like crusts were thin, but crisped to perfection, where it still had a bit of a chew to it.  Not overdone.  Not underdone.  That perfect crust consistency that wins me over.  I don’t like soft crusts because they don’t hold up to the toppings.  And too crispy of a crust and the pizza just seems dry.  This fell right where it needed to.  I sliced up each pizza into four slices, plated them, and settled in to pizza nirvana.  Honestly, my blog has covered quite a variety of pizza crusts, but this one won me over.  This one…has become my favorite.

Last night, I decided to see if I enjoyed the crust as much without being laden in sauce.  So, I made up a white pizza.  I simply took the pizza shell, misted it with olive oil, drizzled a bit of honey over it, added some mushrooms, pecans, and caramelized shallots, topped it with some vegan mozzarella cheese and popped it back in the oven for that 10 minutes at 425°F.  When the timer went off, I threw some spinach on top, put it back in the oven for a minute to let the greens wilt.

What emerged was, again, nothing short of fantastic.  Without the sauce, the crust would have to stand on its own.  A white pizza is the ultimate pizza crust test.  I was not disappointed at all.  The crispy/chewy consistency remained.  It really does have the perfect “pizza crust” flavor in each bite.  And, I devoured it each night with gusto because it was really, really that good.

I never should have doubted the company that brought amazing donuts back into my life.  Honestly.  If you are looking for individual pizza crusts that are great in flavor and not heavy at all on the calories, even if you aren’t gluten-free, you should really consider Katz Gluten-Free.  It’s pizza perfection in each slice.  And you’ll wish you bought more.

And now that mine are gone…that’s what I’m off to do.

Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crust topped off with a drizzle of honey, mushrooms, caramelized shallots, pecans, vegan mozzarella shreds, spinach, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes
Katz Gluten-Free Pizza Crust topped off with a drizzle of honey, mushrooms, caramelized shallots, pecans, vegan mozzarella shreds, spinach, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes

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